Table of Contents
(this is the very simple template for terms — terms may also be thought of as themes, topics or tags)
(remove all text like this in italic parenthesis)
(if there are terms that are related, it would be useful to document these below — compare SKOS)
One of the terms used on this wiki.
(template) term: (whatever)
(here put an explanation of the term; any disambiguation; links to intended definitions; etc.; but keep it short)
Related terms
(give the relationship, e.g. broader or narrower)
Interested agents
(list here of all teams, groups, organisations that have a direct interest in the term)
Owned/managed by
(the agent who has been agreed to coordinate management of this term — not an individual)
Owned commentary
(as with the publication template)
Emergent questions
(as with the publication template)
(Here will appear links to all the publications and questions referencing this term.)