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(My non-wiki index page is here; links page here)

… here is aSimonG's wiki home page …

See the structure of this wiki for more detail than below. The sitemap (top right) may also help.

Dated entries, like a blog

Much of my writing is dated by month. Look there to keep up to date. Most recent piece in January — 2025-01.

If you are at all interested, I would welcome you to subscribe to updates. To do this you need first to have an account here — so ask me to do that. When you log in with your account, an icon appears on the right to “Manage Subscriptions” and you can subscribe to any part of the site.

Terms and topics

My list of terms, tags, themes or topics represents the things I have written about. I add to it as significant new things emerge. Just to mention a few key things…

These function like a simple version of Wikipedia:Categorization, and are simpler than categories in MediaWiki. Wikipedia says “Since all categories form part of a tree-like hierarchy, do not add categories to pages as if they are tags.” but in other systems such as the P2P Foundation wiki categories are used like tags, and in my way of thinking they aren't tags anyway, they are links, which arise naturally from the content of the pages.

Thus, a page may refer to several terms, though likely at most one topic. There is no category tree.

The important bits

Just a few topics are central to my work, and they are not only topics, but have their own whole sections, as namespaces.

  • Wikis are the key aspect of technology that I concern myself with
  • RegenCHOICE is now the name of my unique contribution to the world — bringing together the name CHOICE from 1993 and ReGenMatch from 2023.
  • An index to longer writings will be to pieces that I try to keep updated, so without definitive dates.
here.txt · Last modified: 2025-01-28 19:46 by simongrant