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Simon's index for Lunation 48 at Liminal Village

Initiated on 2023-11-03

This starts on 2023-11-13 (a Monday) and finishes around 2023-12-12 (a Tuesday). I am the “caller” (to use an Art of Hosting term) of this Lunation, around the topic of ReGenMatch (now “RegenCHOICE”), but there will also be people around who have little or no direct interest in ReGenMatch, and I hope we will integrate well. “Caller” does not mean manager, far less dictator! :-)

Laura asked me some very useful questions about my vision and intention for the lunation.
See her questions and my answers here.

Liminal's boards

Much of Liminal's main information is held on Miro Boards.

Liminal's docs

Then there are several Google Docs. Please read these if you are intending to participate!

One message from “the management” ;-) which is not yet on these docs is that we may be requesting a contribution of €12 per day each for food and necessary consumables. Or maybe that's my contribution? In any case, we are planning to have an “altruistic wallet” from which you may draw if you are in need, and to which you may contribute if you are able and willing.

My pages

My intention here is to provide as much background as I can to help people orient, at least to the purpose I am bringing with me. Naturally (and I hope organically!) this is likely to grow and develop based on the collectively digested input from all participants. I really don't expect anyone to read everything. But please do follow your interest, and I am more than willing to guide people to the parts which are most relevant to them.

  • Here's my topic index for RegenCHOICE, of which the most recent is
    • the motivation — why are we (or at least why am I) doing all this?
  • and a much larger one for the background RegenCHOICE ideas — this is large, so please ask for a guided tour if you're interested.
  • Starting on 2023-08-03 I drafted a quick synthesis of ideas for RegenCHOICE.
  • And back at 2023-05-17 I answered a few questions that I would like others to answer as well, concerning personal interests and involvement.

On the technical side

I am here (still in the process of) explaining technical details. I hope that this explanation will become much much clearer over the course of the lunation.


d/2023-11-03.txt · Last modified: 2024-11-01 10:44 by simongrant