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My answer to a question page

Wireframe: my-answer

Enquirer perspective

I am either giving or reviewing my answer to a particular question, along with any explaination.

I can withdraw an answer completely, as if I had refused to answer it in the first place.

I can also check on which of my enquiries I have muted the answer, and mute or unmute it.


Pages that lead here

Enquirer actions and destinations

  • If already answered, a link to change answer. Changing an answer is not to be done lightly, so an extra page is needed to warn people of the consequences.
  • Box to enter or change a reason for this answer, with button to save any change.
  • If refused, a button to cancel the refusal and go to my answer as an unanswered question.


  • The question title
    • the longer explanation of the question, if present
  • What the question structure is
  • The appropriate information for that question structure
  • For each possible answer:
    • a short version of the answer
    • a longer explanation of what that answer means
    • if not answered, a way to give that answer
  • if already answered, a history of my answers to this question
  • if refused, a note to that effect


This will be fine for a prototype, but for a full version we will need to include question dependency.

Not yet addressed the difference in answers to

  • property questions, and
  • relational questions, which may have multiple answers in different enquiries

see also

ch/uix/my_answer.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-23 11:46 by simongrant