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Many results page

Wireframe: many-results

This page is shown after the processing discovers that there are many respondents with fitting enquiries. The aim will be

  • either to allow the enquirer to add to their requirements
  • or to leave the enquiry standing

One useful effect of limiting viewable results to under 10 in number is to encourage people to be as specific as they can be. This should help to avoid random approaches which resemble advertising or spam.

Enquirer perspective

I've tried an enquiry, and there are many others that fit. So, I'm considering whether to add more what I want, or to leave the enquiry standing when others might still find me.


Pages that lead here

Enquirer actions and destinations


Information and processing needed to set up the page

  • Enquiry type ETypeCodeETypeTitle
  • number of results that fit
  • system-generated list of suggested questions, based both on statistics and on the EnqNote

Information input and stored/passed on

  • no information is input at this point, just selected

Implementation notes


For 10 or more correspondents in non-location enquiries, another option for later consideration might be to opt to show the user 9 random correspondents. Looking through them might help the user to decide what extra requirement to add.

see also

ch/uix/many_results.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-05 12:56 by simongrant