Table of Contents
Enquiries of type page
Wireframe: enquiries-of-type
This page shows all the user's enquiries of just one of the enquiry types.
Enquirer perspective
I review my existing enquiries of the chosen type (chosen in the enquiries overview), seeing information about these enquiries, if any, along with some indication of responses; and choose either to follow up on an existing enquiry or to start a new one.
Pages that lead here
Enquirer actions and destinations
- Choose to look back at all enquiry types → Enquiries overview
- Choose name of existing enquiry → Forming enquiry
- Choose “new enquiry” → Enquiry basics
- Choose to look at → Contacts
A clear description of this particular enquiry type, which the user may choose to hide, if they know that well enough.
A list of all the enquiries of the particular one of the enquiry types selected from the enquiries overview. This will show a list of the short enquiries of that type, each with a link to revisit forming enquiry to proceed with that one, plus a link or button to initiate a new enquiry of that type, starting with enquiry basics.
Information and processing needed to set up the page
Information input and stored/passed on
- chosen EnqID → query string
- if it's a link for a new enquiry, pass EnqID = 0 in the query string
- Do we want a list of contacts here? Or a link to a list?
Implementation notes
Depending on the detailed interface design and testing, the information on the list of existing enquiries may vary: a selection from e.g. whether that enquiry has new, unexamined correspondents or contacts, when it was created or modified. Whatever is found to be most useful and simplest to use and learn. However it will not show actual correspondents, as this may change from moment to moment depending on what other users do. To find actual correspondents, the user must always go through the forming enquiry page, and try the enquiry.
Is it worth adding other activity markers to help the user choose?