Table of Contents
A contact page
Wireframe: contact
This is the main page for looking at someone who has agreed contact. As it would be too much to put everything on this page, separate pages are provided for each fitting enquiry, where details of answers can be seen against each separate enquiry.
Enquirer perspective
I examine one particular contact. I can give them a nickname, or edit that.
I examine all of the relevant information that has been given, including the textual notes that are added to the wants and answers.
One more click and I will have a range of channels to communicate through.
If I do not want to communicate with them anymore, I can break contact.
Pages that lead here
- redirect from Candidate
- Break contact or report abuse
Enquirer actions and destinations
- Change the name I give to them → reload page
- If not comfortable, → Break contact or report abuse
- Choose to engage → Channels shared
- Link back → Contacts
- Link back → Enquiries of type
- Link → Question enquiries ???
- Link → Their answer ??
- Link → My answer ??
Needed in general:
- Candidate-information and CanNum as key variable
- Contact-information
- On a contact page, ContactStatus is one of CONNECTED; IBREAK; THEYBREAK; BROKEN
- Question-information
- Answer-information
Information and processing needed to set up the page
- date since when they have been on the system CanRegDate
- date contact was agreed ContactDate
- the ETypeLabel for the connecting ETypeCode
- the ContactStatus with them
- if THEYBREAK then CoBreakNote
- if IBREAK than MyBreakNote
- answers MyAns to questions QTitle from their connecting enquiry
Information input and stored/passed on
Not needed or altered
- Changes of ContactStatus are done on the Break contact page.
- MyChannels and CoChannels are shown on the Channels shared page.
Implementation notes
Maybe contacts belong to enquiry types, rather than individual enquiries?
Most of the actions will be taken out of the system, in particular actual messaging or talking.
What happens when the user or a contact changes their enquiry so that the contact no longer corresponds? One option here is that either party has enough contacts and no longer wants to find others. Another option is that either party is no longer interested in this enquiry. This may be one reason to break contact. The other reasons to break contact are:
- if one party, on examining the details of the other contact, senses that what they see isn't what they really want
- if either party changes what they want, after contact
- if one party, on having met the other, decides that they do not want to stay in contact.
Contacts remain contacts even when the enquiry is taken down or altered, so, do we need to keep the questions and answers that fitted? No. But we can keep a separate list of what we would both like to know.
The principle I've been thinking about here is that when someone is contacted, they should not be able then simply to disappear. Hence, the desire to keep their correspondence enquiry up. However, if they were to correspond on two enquiries, what would happen? Do we keep both up, or do we keep just the first one on the basis of which contact was agreed? And if the latter, how is this recorded?
One interesting thought is, what happens if this is a multi-way match? Can one of the matching conditions be whether it is a whole match or a partial group? When two people have agreed on a multi-way, do they somehow become one unit?