Table of Contents
RegenCHOICE index → processing explained
The nature of RegenCHOICE information
The CHOICE approach to finding and being found requires two kinds of information, both ranging over the same dimensions, but used in distinct ways.
Individual answers to questions
What in many systems is thought of as a personal or collective profile, is here a set of answers to questions, representing what you are, or how you identify, in terms of qualities, characteristics, skills, attitudes, habits, beliefs, etc. In the case of RegenCHOICE, the different kinds of question structure are set out in the question structure page. Questions relevant to individual people will mostly be different from questions relevant to organisations, companies, groups, associations, etc. Here are some fundamental attributes of answers.
- They are voluntary: all except the most essential questions are optional. If someone refuses to answer a question, then they will not fit with any enquiry that requires an answer.
- Logged and change-evident: unlike in some dating sites, people cannot just change their answers at will. This will reduce the possibility of deception. People may change answers, but all previous answers and their dates will be visible to others when there is a correspondence.
- Cumulative: questions answered for any enquiry will be available for all others, except that someone may explicitly withhold an answer from any specific enquiry, in which case for that enquiry it is treated as if the question is refused.
For employment or recruitment enquiries, the questions that are generally disallowed by law as being discriminatory will not be allowed.
We envisage a large number of questions, but people will generally only answer a small number of them. This is made possible by the feedback processes.
Requirements in enquiries
These are what people are asking for.